Fear of anagrams.
Added by IDontWannaTellUMyName on February 12, 2022 | 30 people like this You Like This | Unlike
ai on February 18, 2022
hello [ im actually the real IDontWannaTellUMyName but I cant sign in :( ]
IDontWannaTellUMyName on April 30, 2022
The person who named that phobia knew what he was doing.
quack on August 16, 2022
lily on September 6, 2022
wow this is a great anagram
djninjanova2 on November 17, 2022
Can someone explain this one. I don't get it.
Wyatt on August 18, 2023
What is a anagram
Bella on October 2, 2023
an·a·gram /ˈanəˌɡram/ noun a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman.
dezi on April 6, 2024
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ai on February 18, 2022
hello [ im actually the real IDontWannaTellUMyName but I cant sign in :( ]
IDontWannaTellUMyName on April 30, 2022
The person who named that phobia knew what he was doing.
quack on August 16, 2022
lily on September 6, 2022
wow this is a great anagram
djninjanova2 on November 17, 2022
Can someone explain this one. I don't get it.
Wyatt on August 18, 2023
What is a anagram
Bella on October 2, 2023
an·a·gram /ˈanəˌɡram/ noun a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman.
dezi on April 6, 2024