Added by a Guest on January 5, 2023 | 83 people like this You Like This | Unlike
what is time
lie on January 11, 2023
he guessed, maybe the day its when its dark and night when there is light
pootis on January 11, 2023
bet he just put a random time
ya on January 12, 2023
murcury was in retrograde
your mom on January 12, 2023
before the clock there were sun dials to tell people the time
God on January 12, 2023
probably the position of the sun or smth like that.
Satan on January 12, 2023
Did You Ever Hear of A SUNDIAL?!!!!
That_One_Guy on January 12, 2023
ferb told him
soup on January 13, 2023
Mom on January 13, 2023
what time is it rn
exotic potato :p on January 13, 2023
Bro guessed
A user commented on January 30, 2023
potato cuber on February 3, 2023
he didn't
PotatoAids on March 16, 2023
i sense that inherentlyfunny is not educated on sundials.
sundialnerd on April 11, 2023
whatever felt good to him ig
graceanna on April 14, 2023
Bro decided on a dice.
Tipson on November 23, 2023
How am I supposed to know that?
IDK on September 30, 2024
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what is time
lie on January 11, 2023
he guessed, maybe the day its when its dark and night when there is light
pootis on January 11, 2023
bet he just put a random time
ya on January 12, 2023
murcury was in retrograde
your mom on January 12, 2023
before the clock there were sun dials to tell people the time
God on January 12, 2023
probably the position of the sun or smth like that.
Satan on January 12, 2023
Did You Ever Hear of A SUNDIAL?!!!!
That_One_Guy on January 12, 2023
ferb told him
soup on January 13, 2023
Mom on January 13, 2023
what time is it rn
exotic potato :p on January 13, 2023
Bro guessed
A user commented on January 30, 2023
Bro guessed
potato cuber on February 3, 2023
he didn't
PotatoAids on March 16, 2023
i sense that inherentlyfunny is not educated on sundials.
sundialnerd on April 11, 2023
whatever felt good to him ig
graceanna on April 14, 2023
Bro decided on a dice.
Tipson on November 23, 2023
How am I supposed to know that?
IDK on September 30, 2024