Funny People

The First Person to Fall Asleep During a Sleepover

See also Pranks.


Added by CaptainKrill on May 15, 2010 | You Like This |


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Cover them in whipped cream or dip there hand in warm water. on May 16, 2010

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nevr hav been the first 1 but i do enjoy all those ice cold pranks :)

sosur fase on May 20, 2010

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Cover Them In Ur Grannies Make Up And Arrange To Meet Up With The Hottest Boys In The Morining ;) Its A Classic :L

MonkeyPatroller on May 25, 2010

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stick frozen goldfish in their ears

always da first asleep on June 22, 2010

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put crazy glue on there hates then tickle there nose hehe:))

blondie on September 21, 2010

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blondie on September 21, 2010

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Omg this one is really funny. All you have to do is have some chili powder. When the victiim i asleep put hot chili powder on their mouth. time to tand back and watch them scream

omg on June 13, 2011

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Put Syrup Between Their Toes , So In The Morning Her Toes Will Be Stuck Together !!

Maraa Andd Liviee.♥ on July 5, 2011

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Give em a wet willy!!

Sam on May 7, 2012

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step #1-make fake poop by taking a toilette paper roll and get it wet then squeeze it in your hands . step #2 place it on their stomach and wake them up they will see the poo and freak out! :)

kennedy on August 3, 2012

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goin 2 a sleepover 2morrow night...HEHE XD

haha on August 13, 2012

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Yeeah so, this isn't original. but just draw on their face with sharpie, a picture that represents their attitude. ex: A brat who always has to get her way would have angry eyebrows and a little drawn tongue sticking out.

stalkers gon stalk on October 5, 2012

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Put a bag over the toilet so whenever they have to go to the bathroom.. you know what will happen.

232323 on November 8, 2012

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put creme in there hand and tickle there nose and watch

llama on April 26, 2013

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Put makeup on ther face

Jack on July 27, 2014

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I always fall asleep first and when I woke up one was sitting on me and the rest of the girls hit me with fish YAY

#Ilovecats# on February 20, 2015

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Crack a egg in there mouth only if there mouth is open

yo mama on June 27, 2015

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My friend fell asleep first and I got a cup of cold water and poured it on her, and I got it on video too!

Rae on July 6, 2015

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poor water on their hands and face he/she will pee themselves

enaya on February 19, 2017

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I put lotion on my friends face. She was in a deep sleep so all she did was open her eye lids. Still funny reaction

Mynameisjeff on June 4, 2017

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Use duct tape

Somebody on March 3, 2018

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I'm NEVER the first to fall asleep; I usually just wait there alone until it starts to get creepy... like the guy right behind you!

Commented on March 8, 2019

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Wow these are funny

Someone on September 8, 2019

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well i always fall asleep first so DONT GIVE MY BFFS IDEAS

Kadence on October 20, 2019

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Put shaving cream their hand (both on them just in case cuz u don't now which one they will use) Then tickle there face so they will slap the shaving cream on it

Bobby on November 30, 2019

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You can also if there lying on their back, draw a gutare on their back and then tickle their back so they will wipe it and play guitar music. They prob won't notice but you will get a laugh! ;)

Bobby on November 30, 2019

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But acne cream on their face and when they wake up they will look so ugly

Rayna on December 7, 2019

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just pee on their face

dina on December 27, 2020

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hehe on June 3, 2022

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change your clothes to something that wouldnt make sense at that time of year (if its winter wear summer clothes, if its summer wear fall clothes etc), close the curtains, and then wake the person up and tell them they slept for 5 months

i love kittens on May 28, 2023

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Put non-sticky slime on their face as a face mask.

Banana on July 19, 2023

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First off just wet their hair and then freeze it. After that put shaving cream all over their face

Rawr on June 6, 2024

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