Funny Places

Intercourse, Pennsylvania

Intercourse is the hub where the Amish and local folks "do their business" and host thousands of visitors each year. See also Amish.


Added by Sheri on January 7, 2007 | You Like This |


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This town comes last in a string of strange names such as Mammary and Foreplay in Lancaster County.

Pete on August 31, 2008

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Oh Ha Ha Ha Ha.. That is classic.

Rotten Cookie Skins on November 13, 2008

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This is a real town found in between Blueballs, PA, and Paradise, PA.

Felix on April 27, 2013

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when i was 13 or so i went to a summer camp (CTY) in Lancaster, PA, and one of the first things they told us in orientation was that we were not allowed to buy Intercourse hats, t-shirts, or other merchandise.

the Doctor on September 21, 2015

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Safety tip: ... Intercourse is less than ten miles away from Blue Ball, PA. So be VERY careful when setting your GPS, or else plan for an entirely more disappointing weekend away.

jaden05 on January 27, 2019

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