Funny Questions
I wonder how many slices of pizza I’ve eaten in my life?
I'm scared to know. See also Pizza.

I'm scared to know. See also Pizza.
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Ryan on March 4, 2023
It depends on one's definition of "slice," but the fact that Ryan knows his exact amount scares me.
Yeetaleetthesecond on March 8, 2023
973 slices
z on March 13, 2023
the fact that two people know the exact amount scares me. 4.6 thousand scares me more than 973, though.
Ротато on March 15, 2023
ryan is scary.
jet on March 28, 2023
350 slices of pizza are eaten in the United States every second.
anonymous on April 13, 2023
Lil' Messi on May 23, 2023
what counts as a slice?
i love kittens on August 11, 2023
also, z scares me. not only do they somehow know exactly how many they ate, but they posted it on covidversary day. (the anniversary of the day covid shut down schools. march 13th) did they make a deal with the novel coronavirus in exchange for forbidden pizza knowledge or something????
i love kittens on August 11, 2023
my question about if z made a deal with the coronavirus in exchange for forbidden pizza knowledge or not was never answered....
i love kittens on June 20, 2024