Funny Words


A nautical term meaning rumor or gossip.


Added by a Guest on June 12, 2010 | You Like This |


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A scuttlebutt is a water fountain.

richie on June 26, 2010

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there's a restaurant in crystal beach called scuttlebutt

Erica on July 11, 2010

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this is very good info

carley jay peters on August 8, 2010

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jesus on August 24, 2010

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bobby light on August 24, 2010

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a scuttlebutt is a barrel of water with a hole in it that sailors drink from.

Brent on September 6, 2010

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im gonna get a drink from the scuttlebutt??

blondie on September 21, 2010

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your mom is going to get a drink from the scuttlebutt

jesus on October 4, 2010

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we meet again ^^^^^^

satan on October 4, 2010

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jewish cowboy on October 9, 2010

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Don't be a potato

Granny on October 19, 2010

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Funny word, haha

haha on November 24, 2010

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unfortunately im in the marines and we use these dumb words. i hate you navy terminology

actionjack on December 16, 2010

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you dummmy, a scuttle is a hole in a ship, a butt is a water container, therefore a scuttlebutt is a hole in a water barrel used in the 1600s or today a waterfoutain.

noyb on July 12, 2011

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In Daytona Beach, FL I Went To A Restaurant Called ScuttleButt's. But Yes, It Also Means Gossip.

DWFunny on December 15, 2015


my mom called my sister a scuttlebutt seriously is a serious voice

alien on November 28, 2023

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