Funny Nicknames


A girl of the non-attractive persuasion.


Added by Frank on February 1, 2007 | You Like This |



Frank, I beg to differ, and as evidence I present this painting of singer-songwriter Jewel.

Tyler on February 1, 2007

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Riveting evidence, but I'm still not sure that I'm convinced

Frank on October 4, 2007

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my mom calls me a snaggletooth, and im a guy.....

adam on July 12, 2008

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adam dont be a snaggletooth now

Pedro on August 15, 2009

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Snaggletooth, (in Miami) means someone with very crooked teeth in which a tooth sometimes overlaps another tooth, to look jagged. Pronounced SNAH-GUL tooth or SHa-NAH-GUL tooth.

Kathy on April 21, 2011

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adam thats not cool. you should call her out

Me on October 9, 2017

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i though of Jesse somehow??

Me on October 9, 2017

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