Funny Drinks

Vodka Tonic

Simple. Boring. Bland. Just like your entire life, you striped-shirt-wearing douchebag. See also Alcohol.


Added by Frank on February 10, 2007 | You Like This |


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HEY! I don't wear a striped shirt.

Robyn K on May 31, 2007

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Don't worry Robyn. This was more of an attack on spiky haired Jersey guidos and their uncreative drink choices, which often coincide with their uncreative fashion choices.

Frank on June 14, 2007

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Ah yes, the ones with the top four buttons of their shirts left unfastened revealing their sweaty man-pelts.

Robyn on June 15, 2007

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Ha Ha,"man-pelts"!!!

Chet Youbetcha on January 31, 2008

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LMFAO, So True! Glad there's no Guidos in TX!!!

Nik on December 23, 2008

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the worst are the ones that wear pink shirts because they think it makes them more manly

yssirc on July 30, 2009

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?? not funny... why are you wasting our time, passively attacking people with your nerdy comments?

guest on March 15, 2010

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nerdy comments

CuckBagel on September 25, 2017

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