Funny Observations

Math is Blue, Science is Green, English is Yellow, and History is Brown

Change my mind. See also Schools.


Added by nxndona on May 14, 2024 | You Like This |


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math is RED

ret on May 21, 2024

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Maths is orange science is purple English is blue and history is red

Hi on May 21, 2024

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math = red. english= blue history= purple science = green

qwerty on May 22, 2024

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all right except for the fact that English is red

Cactusboy22 on May 22, 2024

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qwerty is right but history is brown

ret on May 22, 2024

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Math = red Science = blue English = green History = beige

CORRECTOPINION on May 22, 2024

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Yes!! Exactly right:)

Sparklybee33 on May 22, 2024

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math=red english=blue history=yellow science=green

pp on May 23, 2024

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Math is freaking red are you stupid and English is YELLOW are you colorblind? yellow is history and english is Blue.

potato on May 24, 2024

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sdjfkjlasdfsd on May 24, 2024

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i cant change your mind sry, youre too right

two0ort on May 25, 2024

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Math has to be RED, no debate

yrsdxfcg on May 28, 2024

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Math is red, science is green, English is blue, and social studies is yellow

hi on May 31, 2024

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Math is orange, Science is Green, English is blue and History is yellow

couch potato on May 31, 2024

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Math=red English=yellow Science=green History=purple, black, or brown

I'M BORED on May 31, 2024

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yellow history, red math, green English, blue science

I'm right on June 1, 2024

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Red: English yellow:history Spanish:purple math:blue science: green black: elective

Cheez on June 2, 2024

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ALL of you are WRONG! Math is blue, english is orange/red (red for reading and orange for grammar), History is yellow (unless you take a different language then it's purple) and science is green!

Anoyingpersomnuiuy on June 3, 2024

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Math is red, science is green, english is yellow, history blue.

CursedEclipse on June 4, 2024

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Math is 100 percent red.

Potato on June 6, 2024

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math red

no name on June 10, 2024

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Why would you have a brown folder :/ Keep the colors going and make history red (Also, math is blue, red is too aggressive for the coolness of math)

Lazenby25 on June 13, 2024

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I never knew so many people say that math is red

Man on June 17, 2024

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AnderDingus Skibidi on June 17, 2024

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math is black. science is pink. english is green. history is yellow

me :D on June 17, 2024

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WRONG. math is red (blood), science is green (plants and shit like that), english is blue (flag of uk, usa, and australia and more have it), and history is yellow (old papers are yellow)

jelly on July 3, 2024

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Elizabeth on July 8, 2024

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math is red, science is green, English is blue, and history is brown

strawberry girl on July 18, 2024

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Math is red English is green History is brown Science is also green

Whit on July 18, 2024

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at first i disagreed... and then i realized...

hadley on July 19, 2024

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Math is red Language is blue Science is green History is purple

Blob on July 20, 2024

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Atleast you got yellow right. Math is Green. History is acceptable as brown, but it should be red. And science is always, always blue or purple.

L on August 6, 2024

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i mean math is red, science is green, english is BLUE, and history is brown. yeah no i cant change your mind

Mcplayz on August 8, 2024

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Math- Red English- Blue Science- Green History- Yellow

a_potatoe on August 28, 2024

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