Added by Maude on March 7, 2007 | 21 people like this You Like This | Unlike
John on April 18, 2007
ive actually heard people say Canoodle-doodle, Or Canoodle-doodlin' idea what they mean... not sure i want to know...
Jamie H on June 20, 2007
v.intr. To engage in caressing, petting, or lovemaking. To win over or convince by cajoling or flattering; wheedle:
Care Bear on July 16, 2007
Carebear has got that one right, everybody should know what canoodle means.
OzzyChick_15 on November 5, 2007
i think its spelled with a k in someplaces
matt on December 15, 2008
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John on April 18, 2007
ive actually heard people say Canoodle-doodle, Or Canoodle-doodlin' idea what they mean... not sure i want to know...
Jamie H on June 20, 2007
v.intr. To engage in caressing, petting, or lovemaking. To win over or convince by cajoling or flattering; wheedle:
Care Bear on July 16, 2007
Carebear has got that one right, everybody should know what canoodle means.
OzzyChick_15 on November 5, 2007
i think its spelled with a k in someplaces
matt on December 15, 2008