In other words, a hat for your ass. See also Body, Profanity.
Added by a Guest on April 17, 2007 | 13 people like this You Like This | Unlike
An ass hat is when you sit on someones face while they are lieing down
FraggleBeard on April 30, 2007
Negative...... an ass-hat is a person who "keeps their head in their ass"
Jimmy on October 31, 2009
I'll second that, Jimmy. In other words, it's someone either painfully out of touch with reality or hilariously unaware of what's going on.
DarkImagination on November 16, 2009
"butt hat" is much funnier
randy on July 25, 2012
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An ass hat is when you sit on someones face while they are lieing down
FraggleBeard on April 30, 2007
Negative...... an ass-hat is a person who "keeps their head in their ass"
Jimmy on October 31, 2009
I'll second that, Jimmy. In other words, it's someone either painfully out of touch with reality or hilariously unaware of what's going on.
DarkImagination on November 16, 2009
"butt hat" is much funnier
randy on July 25, 2012