These birds are also called chickadees. See also Sophomoric.
Added by a Guest on June 2, 2007 | 5 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Titmouse is a funny name, but not the same as a chickadee... those are different birds.
Frances on June 6, 2007
my friend had a cat called titmouse...
lily on February 17, 2008
Small songbirds of the Paridae family. Neither is nor has either noun contained in it's name.
Bird Watcher on June 9, 2012
Frances and Birdwatcher, you're both correct. Even funnier than the titmouse is... the bushtit.
More Than A Birdwatcher on October 6, 2014
Just the other day I fed a Tufted-Tit Mouse. He/She enjoyed eating seed from my hand.
Bunni on October 23, 2020
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Titmouse is a funny name, but not the same as a chickadee... those are different birds.
Frances on June 6, 2007
my friend had a cat called titmouse...
lily on February 17, 2008
Small songbirds of the Paridae family. Neither is nor has either noun contained in it's name.
Bird Watcher on June 9, 2012
Frances and Birdwatcher, you're both correct. Even funnier than the titmouse is... the bushtit.
More Than A Birdwatcher on October 6, 2014
Just the other day I fed a Tufted-Tit Mouse. He/She enjoyed eating seed from my hand.
Bunni on October 23, 2020