Funny Diseases


Yeuk is a 15th century Middle English word used by the Scots meaning "to itch". When not used as a verb, it is may be used to identify a particular sensation, i.e. the irritation of nerve endings in skin or mucous membrane that provokes the desire to scratch oneself silly if alone or look for a speedy exit if one is in mixed company. It's also a popular name for the parasitic disorder "scabies".


Added by knepsam on February 21, 2011 | You Like This |


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The noun Jeuk/ verb jeuken in the dutch language also means An Itch/ to Itch.

Leviathan on April 22, 2011

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So there's this rumor going around my school that there's a scabies epidemic, and one of my teachers banned the saying of "scabies" in her class. So someone could say "yeuk" instead.

Erin on November 15, 2011

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Ok , sriusley, I have that exsact disorder . Really really wierd

Adrianna on November 28, 2013

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