Funny Things to Do
Kissing Your Own Biceps
Usually done by Cro-Magnon Roid-a-Holics or drunk dudes with mull-hawks. See also Arrogant, Body.

Usually done by Cro-Magnon Roid-a-Holics or drunk dudes with mull-hawks. See also Arrogant, Body.
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hahahahahahahahaha. NO. only people who love themselves do that.
Maggie on July 1, 2007
Well I love myself, but I'm not IN LOVE with myself.
Robyn on July 2, 2007
Duggy does that! u got it flaunt it..wise words of beyonce knowles! Dugyg kicks ass! Duggys sexy too x
Duggy on November 20, 2007
Duggy needs to get a life
Bex on February 4, 2008
First, Lmao to Bex. 2nd guys in my class do this.. while hitting on my 43 year old teacher.[im in 8th grade]
DollFace. on January 17, 2010