monkeysrule's Entries
Funny Insults
12. You Dirty Red Napkin of Society!
I have a whole little book of these little insults
Funny Nicknames
14. Chicken Licken
I call my sister it all the time, and she now responds to it *she is a baby btw*
Funny Observations
15. People Hate Dog Poop, but Arent Disgusted by Their Own Poop?
I see people picking up their doggies doodo and I usually gag, but if it was my own doodo in the toilet, I would be completely fine looking at it.
Funny Quotes
16. No,daddy Its BLUE the DINOSAUR!- My Little Brother
my little brother when he was 3 we played heads up, and he had recently watched the Jurassic park movie, so he thought the answers were all blue dinosaur and I laughed so hard I thought I might cry bc it was like, 11:00 at night and we were all delirious and giggly *I am not his father, I am his sister and it was said to his father*
Funny Tattoos
17. Old Nickname Tatooed on Your Body
literally no point because when you get older you will just be angry that you did this and will end up removing it because you no longer get called "apple pie" or "jellybean"
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