suckanegg's Entries
Funny Questions
1. What's the Past Tense of Yeet?
1: Yeeted. 2. Yeeten. 3: Yote. 4: Yoot. 5: Yet. 6: Yat. 7: Yoten. 8: Yute. 9: Yeed. 10: Yeet. 11: Yot. 12: Yuted. 13: Yoted. 14: Yee. 15: Yest.
Cast your vote in the comments. See also Grammar.
Funny Phobias
2. Dood
No. Dood is not a phobia. I just simply put "dood" because someone else already posted this thing.
Phobophobia: the phobia of having a phobia.
Funny Insults
3. The Only Way You'll Ever Get Laid is if You Crawl Up a Chicken's Bottom and Wait. (blueshope Repost N.4)
eg G
Funny Phrases
I literally was going to say something about April Fools but I then saw it's my 10th contribution and since my name starts with the word "suck" and between EVERY 10th contribution that silly song appears, the song said f**kanegg. MY
Funny Things to Do
8. Search Wubba Lubba Dub Dub on Google and See the Did You Mean Thing
Lol. Just lol.
Funny Questions
9. You're driving your canoe up a tree, then you lose a wheel. How many moose hooves does it take to reach you to the moon?
Blueberry, because snakes have elbows.