UnfunnyOne's Entries
Funny Anti-Jokes
3. To Mamas So Fat, when She Sat on a Quarter, a Booger Came out of George Washington's Nose!
That be one fat Mama!
Funny Insults
4. You're So Stupid, You Couldn't Pour the Water out of a Boot if the Directions Were on the Heel!
Yous stupid if thisiz true 'bout you, or youz nonexsistent.
Funny People
5. A Blonde Went to Buy a Pizza and After Ordering, the Assistant Asked the Blonde if She Would Like Her Pizza Cut into Six Pieces or Twelve. "Six Please" She Said, "I Could Never Eat Twelve!"
One word: Blonde.
Funny People
6. Why Do Blondes Not Get Coffee Breaks?
It takes too long to retrain them (when they finish).
Funny People
8. What Did the Blonde Do when She Learned That 90% if Accidents Occur Around the Home?
She moved.
Funny People
10. Why Do Blondes Find It So Difficult to Write the Number 11?
Because they can't figure out which 1 comes first!