UnfunnyOne's Entries
Funny People
12. Why Do Blondes Always Smile During a Lightning Storm?
They think they're getting their picture taken.
Funny People
13. What Did the Blonde Do when She Learned That 90% if Accidents Occur Around the Home?
She moved.
Funny Things to Do
15. How Do You Kill a Blonde?
Put a scratch'and'sniff sticker at the bottom of a pond. "How 'bout you go diving for it blondie?"
Funny Advice
16. Make It a Point to Not Wave at People You Know at an Auction...(spoken from Experience...)
Funny Movies
17. The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain
There is nothing to be said....the title explains it all
Funny Nicknames
18. LaBeef, Beve, Broster? Come On! Just Say My Real Name! (Stephen)
My brother is a man of many names....