Funny Things
Funny Things
24. The List of Ingredients and Calorie Count on a Bottle of Water
Funny Things
25. The DVD Idle Screen
You can spend hours waiting for the floating icon to finally hit the corner.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny thing.
Funny Things
26. That Awkward Moment when You’re Wearing Nikes and Can’t Do It
It happens. See also Shoes.
Funny Things
29. Helmet Hair
There hasn't been a time I took off a helmet without my hair looking flat and nasty. In the movies, hair flies like like an unfolding fog—sleek and beautiful. That's a FANTASY!
Funny Things
30. Dolphin-Pig-Monkey
Something that has dolphin's brain, a pig's skin, and a monkey's body. I think it's called a human.