Funny Words
Funny Words
241. Fopdoodle
A completely ridiculous and perfectly fitting word for a silly fool. Not to be confused with flapdoodle, which means stupid babble or nonsense.
Funny Words
245. Schtick
A Yiddish word for what a person is known to do, or the M.O. (modus operandi), such as a comedian's schtick that keeps them coming back for more. See also Yiddish.
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Funny Words
246. Schmaltzy
A Yiddish word meaning "chicken fatty", or "greasy," describes extreme gushing, over-the-top flattery, or corniness. See also Yiddish.
Funny Words
247. Shlep
To drag ones self along, slouchily or lazily, particularly when performing a duty grudgingly. "He shlepped the heavy box out of the mail truck." See also Yiddish.
Funny Words
249. Spangle
A small, glittering, shiny piece of metal used as a decoration.
To sprinkle or stud with such glittery tiny, bright pieces.
Funny Words
250. Snookered
1. What you are when you lose at this obscure cue game known as Snooker.
2. What you are when you've been cheated, deceived, or generally had.
3. How some people describe themselves when they are completely worn out.