Funny Tattoos
Funny Tattoos
31. The "Watch" Tattoo
"Hey excuse me, what time is it?"
"...Oh it's only right twice a day, sorry."
Funny Tattoos
32. Lasciate Ogni Speranza Voi Ch'entrate
From Dante's The Divine Comedy, translated to "abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Funny Tattoos
33. Mom
An "M" tattooed on each butt cheek so when you bend over it says "MOM" (or rather "M*M"). See also Crass.
Funny Tattoos
34. Optimas Prime Violating a Toaster
Tattoo worn by my EX-husband. See also Appliances, Cartoons, Toys.
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny tattoo.
Funny Tattoos
36. Name of Girlfriend You've Since Broken Up With
My advice, wait until the wedding and the ring, then get the tat. Otherwise, it's the laser.
Funny Tattoos
38. Incorporated Body Parts
For example the navel incorporated in this titillating scene and the nipple used in this beauty.
Funny Tattoos
39. Fingerstache
Mustache tattooed on the inside of the index finger. You hold it under your nose with the rest of your fingers closed against your palm. See also Hair.