Funny People
Funny People
61. Dancing Street Thugs in Leather Jackets
Funny People
62. Joe Isuzu
Was it really that long ago that it seemed like a good idea to use a pathologically lying character as a spokesman for a car? See also Cars.
Funny People
65. Beliebers
Fans of the teen pop sensation Justin Bieber. Today, there are currently 11,000,000 beliebers on Facebook and 5,000,000 on Twitter. These numbers continue to grow in size each day as more people catch Bieber Fever. See also Singers.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny person?
Funny People
67. People Who Look Like Harry Potter Characters
Keep watch for hooked noses, pony-tailed beards, and lightening-esque scars. See also Literature.
Funny People
68. Drunk Dad at a Bar Mitzvah
Usually accompanied by loud cheers and rhythm-less dancing. See also Alcohol, Jewish.
Funny People
69. Really Tall People in VW Bugs
Funny People
70. Fun Dad
Normal Dad just gives you a check in your birthday card....
Fun Dad has a $20 bill up his sleeve which "magically" slides into your hand when the handshake is over.
There is a fine, fine line between Fun Dad and Creepy Uncle. See also Parents.