Funny Foods
Funny Foods
161. Backdoor Calamari
Pig rectum rings allegedly solid as imitation, deep-fried squid. See also Farming.
Funny Foods
162. Potato
Po·ta·to [puh-tey-toh, -tuh]
Noun, plural po·ta·toes
1. The perfect awkward silence breaker.
2. The awesomest food on earth.
3. The main ingredient in french fries, except for McDonalds where the main ingredient is corn.
Funny Foods
163. Kiwano
Spikey fruit. Usually yellow or orange, synonymous with African Tomato. The insides are greenish, and you extract the insides with a spoon, or by sucking on a slice or wedge. See also Fruits.
Funny Foods
164. Ice Cream in Minihelmets
Sold at baseball stadiums everywhere. See also Baseball, Sports.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny food?
Funny Foods
170. Hog Maw
Hog stomach lining that can be stewed, fried, baked, or broiled. Waste not, want not.