Funny Sayings

Spandex Is a Privilege, Not a Right

See also Clothes.


Added by Brian on November 25, 2007 | You Like This |


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your mom on January 15, 2008

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That's taken from "Hackers" – stealer!

Ivana on January 22, 2008

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spandex & leather pants rock my socks dude!! [so does the hammer dance ] -STOP HAMMER TIME!- seriously

CARESS ME DOWN on February 6, 2008

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well i like that leather pants and all...but i agree it is not really a right.

k man on February 8, 2008

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omg!!!it is so true!!!! some people well...... just shouldnt!!

~*lafonda*~ on March 4, 2008

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gellovesben on March 12, 2008

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Lolgelgel on March 12, 2008

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Spandex and recumbent bikes suck

bobjackass on January 1, 2009

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LMfao so true

heeather on February 13, 2009

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Spandex is a priveledgeeeeeeeeeeeeee... ...not a right. LOL

glanniglaepurlolol on February 15, 2009

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