One hundred pages of absolutely nothing. See also Women.
Added by a Guest on June 24, 2014 | 31 people like this You Like This | Unlike
You know nothing
Meh on July 16, 2014
Kerblab on July 21, 2014
totaly true
pickel on October 14, 2014
Haha i dont get it
Lol on October 18, 2014
not much more then i expected..... shame on this ...... but then again probably equivalent to what women know of men .
Autumn on November 25, 2014
That's rude.
Maya on January 19, 2015
watch the meninists attack
lmao on March 7, 2015
What I dont get it
Fart on June 10, 2015
Haha I'm a woman and this is funny :D
insanemembrane on August 12, 2015
holy sh*t
notexactlyshakespere411 on January 20, 2019
This better be a real book, so I can buy it for every man I know.
BRUH on November 8, 2019
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You know nothing
Meh on July 16, 2014
Kerblab on July 21, 2014
totaly true
pickel on October 14, 2014
Haha i dont get it
Lol on October 18, 2014
not much more then i expected..... shame on this ...... but then again probably equivalent to what women know of men .
Autumn on November 25, 2014
That's rude.
Maya on January 19, 2015
watch the meninists attack
lmao on March 7, 2015
What I dont get it
Fart on June 10, 2015
Haha I'm a woman and this is funny :D
insanemembrane on August 12, 2015
holy sh*t
notexactlyshakespere411 on January 20, 2019
This better be a real book, so I can buy it for every man I know.
BRUH on November 8, 2019