Funny Anti-Jokes

Why Can't You Hear a Pterodactyl Go Pee?

Because they're all extinct. See also Dinosaurs.


Added by a Guest on November 12, 2015 | You Like This |


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Also, even if they weren't, Their P is always silent!

Tim on November 26, 2015

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Ross? Is that you??

Hana on November 30, 2015

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Dude, this joke is wrong! its the P is silent. NOT that they are extinct!

Your Name on December 16, 2015

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Technically, a "Pterodactyl" isn't even a dinosaur or species, just the common name for the winged reptiles called pterosaurs, unless you are referring to the Pteradactylus.

Potato on June 28, 2016

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SHUT up potato

hufflenet on April 17, 2018

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