Because they're extinct. See also Dinosaurs.
Added by a Guest on November 23, 2015 | 79 people like this You Like This | Unlike
cuz they got a big head and little arms!!!!!
omnom on December 3, 2015
true that
noelia on December 5, 2015
mum on December 6, 2015
Cuz they are mean so they never applaud. It's really awkward at concerts and such.
Pot-at-toe on December 6, 2015
this is so dumb and i am still bored
hi on December 11, 2015
Omn savage
YaboyDen on December 16, 2015
do they even have the brain capacity. :D lol
wierdo13 on December 17, 2015
Also because their arms are too short
Anonnymous on September 14, 2016
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cuz they got a big head and little arms!!!!!
omnom on December 3, 2015
true that
noelia on December 5, 2015
mum on December 6, 2015
Cuz they are mean so they never applaud. It's really awkward at concerts and such.
Pot-at-toe on December 6, 2015
this is so dumb and i am still bored
hi on December 11, 2015
Omn savage
YaboyDen on December 16, 2015
do they even have the brain capacity. :D lol
wierdo13 on December 17, 2015
Also because their arms are too short
Anonnymous on September 14, 2016