Funny Things to Do

Pinky Swearing

Never break a pinky swear. Ever. See also Children.


Added by a Guest on August 7, 2008 | You Like This |


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pinky swearing's the cutest

esteve on August 11, 2008

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pinky swears are gay. middle finger swears are the cool thing to do.

angelina tolee on September 21, 2008

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the first time you break a pinky swear you get said pinky broken. the second offense you get deported to siberia.

helpimarock on October 3, 2008


dude they're serious man

pinkxmonopoly24 on July 24, 2010

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Oh what,will I get sent to jail

What if I do break one ;) on January 15, 2020

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Oops sorry I meant,what if I do break one,will I get sent to jail

George on January 15, 2020

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