Funny Anti-Jokes
What Did the T-Rex Say to the Caveman?
Nothing. It just roared at him and ate him. And then it got back into its time machine and went back to the Cretaceous Period, at least a million years before cavemen existed. See also Dinosaurs.
omg yes XD
pooptato on August 27, 2017
dinosaurs and cave men lived in different eras in time eras. it would have been an anti-joke if you just said that.
dumbasshoe on September 27, 2017
OMG XD thanks i just needed a cave man joke! XD YASSS
patata on May 14, 2018
wow way to copy me omg thanks XD JK IDC
patata on May 14, 2018
okay? XD
omg on May 14, 2018
Thats stupid
Mo on January 6, 2021
Stop these stupid jokes
Your website is bad on January 6, 2021
this is stupid
pooptato on April 28, 2021
Do more random person! srsly tho its awesome!!!!
JJ on May 28, 2021
well what did the Caveman say to the t-rex?
hi on March 1, 2024