Funny Phrases

Tube Steak

In other words, a hot dog. See also Food.


Added by Tyler on July 2, 2006 | You Like This |


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Hot dogs as steak- beautiful! This is especially hilarious considering hot dogs are made of old boots, road kill, and anus.

Robyn K on May 30, 2007

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Tube Steak is used as a reference to the male sex organ.

Mel on October 2, 2007

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this sounds like somthing very gross , and i am not ever using this word nor eating hotdogs ever again

cass on March 17, 2008

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I think someone was lied to. No one is talking about a hot dog that you eat when they say "tube steak". It's a euphemism for a penis. Maybe they meant that a hot dog is also slang for the same thing a tube steak is slang for. But is a hot dog slang for a penis? Does anyone say that? This whole thing is stupid and weird. The person who posted it should never have mentioned hot dogs.

Jeremy on February 12, 2009

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Jeremy, that's exactly what I was going to say. That was certainly the context in which I heard it.

VesperBond94 on April 20, 2016

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