See also Made Up, Poetry.
Added by awesomeguy21 on September 9, 2017 | 97 people like this You Like This | Unlike
WOW this giraffe need a human man suit on him xD
TigerKitty_Gamer on September 13, 2017
Why did I laugh at this? Kidding, it's actually funny.
Potato on October 16, 2017
A Shakespeare fan as well I see!
Tarathetrumpeter on December 15, 2017
lol I'm still laughing!
tytpiugpubh[iuby80 on June 12, 2019
This is beautiful
Human on November 6, 2020
This is a website, counts as social media, this poem is dumb, stand-up comedian.
CoolNerd78 on April 10, 2021
This is a website, I'm posting on it, this poem is dumb, I have a zit.
OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 6, 2022
I’m sitting on a sofa, on my iPad, this poem is dumb, my dad.
Funnee on April 4, 2024
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WOW this giraffe need a human man suit on him xD
TigerKitty_Gamer on September 13, 2017
Why did I laugh at this? Kidding, it's actually funny.
Potato on October 16, 2017
A Shakespeare fan as well I see!
Tarathetrumpeter on December 15, 2017
lol I'm still laughing!
tytpiugpubh[iuby80 on June 12, 2019
This is beautiful
Human on November 6, 2020
This is a website, counts as social media, this poem is dumb, stand-up comedian.
CoolNerd78 on April 10, 2021
This is a website, I'm posting on it, this poem is dumb, I have a zit.
OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 6, 2022
I’m sitting on a sofa, on my iPad, this poem is dumb, my dad.
Funnee on April 4, 2024