Funny Jobs

Truant Officer

All of the kids in the neighborhood know to avoid this 250-lb, red-faced, mustachioed curmudgeon who hides behind a trash can and will drag you right back into the classroom where a gray-haired schoolmarm will whack you with a ruler. See also Old-Timey, Police, Schools.


Added by a Guest on April 19, 2018 | You Like This |


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do they still even do this

bois on September 26, 2019

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Yes, they still do this! At least at my school. It was so stupid because during REMOTE learning for COVID, the guy showed up at my house because I wasn't attending many of the afternoon meetings. Literally?

OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 6, 2022

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Where the hell do you go to school?!

_ on December 15, 2023

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