Funny Nicknames
Poopy McJerkbeak
Name of the bird that pooped on my car this morning. See also Birds, Scatological.
Name of the bird that pooped on my car this morning. See also Birds, Scatological.
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SuperBoredMaster on April 26, 2018
SuperBoredMaster on April 26, 2018
PIE on April 26, 2018
P on April 26, 2018
*Pie, the decimal PI, is 3.14, not 3.1.4, *smh* Idiots
YesIdiotImtalkingtoyou on June 1, 2018
I looked this up and it came up with Shrek.
Mikey on June 5, 2018
I'm a potato! FINALLY
Mc fatty on November 29, 2018
omg my gosh me and my friend found this in grade 7 and have been looking for it ever since! this is f***ing lit!
loser on June 7, 2020