Also known as common sense. See also Death.
Added by a Guest on October 21, 2018 | 100 people like this You Like This | Unlike
eh. there are way worse things than death (like torture)
Aceeeeee_ on October 27, 2018
Yea anyone who fears death has a diagnosis that I will specify as commen sence
Azzy on October 30, 2018
The fear of death is a perfectly rational fear called deathaphobia also known as...common sense
Katie cat on November 25, 2018
the dark lord has entered the chat
hillsy on April 10, 2019
oof that hurts
mmmm on May 6, 2019
Fearing death IS NOT called common sense. Its called Necrophobia (Fear of death or dead things) or Thanatophobia (Fear of death or dying)
No on May 6, 2019
Come on. Did you have to ruin that for us?
Potato on August 20, 2019
Then I have no common sense. lol
Aarron on December 2, 2019
why fear death if it's going to happen at some point in your life no matter what you do
me . on May 25, 2020
why fear death if it's go on September 15, 2020
Pretty sure it's called necrophobia
Bob on December 10, 2020
AKA, Thanatophobia.
Yeetaleet 2 on October 11, 2021
It's called "The Instinct to Survive" you unwashed utensil
The Rewind Man on January 31, 2022
if you don't have this phobia your brain hasn't fully processed instinct yet
mynameaintyourbiz on April 25, 2022
I just have a fear of dying before I’m ready :)
Funne on April 27, 2024
i mean yeah, trying to avoid dying is pretty much basic sanity
i love kittens on May 15, 2024
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eh. there are way worse things than death (like torture)
Aceeeeee_ on October 27, 2018
Yea anyone who fears death has a diagnosis that I will specify as commen sence
Azzy on October 30, 2018
The fear of death is a perfectly rational fear called deathaphobia also known as...common sense
Katie cat on November 25, 2018
the dark lord has entered the chat
hillsy on April 10, 2019
oof that hurts
mmmm on May 6, 2019
Fearing death IS NOT called common sense. Its called Necrophobia (Fear of death or dead things) or Thanatophobia (Fear of death or dying)
No on May 6, 2019
Come on. Did you have to ruin that for us?
Potato on August 20, 2019
Then I have no common sense. lol
Aarron on December 2, 2019
why fear death if it's going to happen at some point in your life no matter what you do
me . on May 25, 2020
why fear death if it's going to happen at some point in your life no matter what you do
me . on May 25, 2020
why fear death if it's going to happen at some point in your life no matter what you do
why fear death if it's go on September 15, 2020
Pretty sure it's called necrophobia
Bob on December 10, 2020
AKA, Thanatophobia.
Yeetaleet 2 on October 11, 2021
It's called "The Instinct to Survive" you unwashed utensil
The Rewind Man on January 31, 2022
if you don't have this phobia your brain hasn't fully processed instinct yet
mynameaintyourbiz on April 25, 2022
I just have a fear of dying before I’m ready :)
Funne on April 27, 2024
i mean yeah, trying to avoid dying is pretty much basic sanity
i love kittens on May 15, 2024