Funny Diseases

Wandering Womb

Seriously, the ancient Greeks believed that women's health issues were due to their womb wandering freely around their body. Disorders caused by the womb were remedied by making the woman smell a foul smell or applying a pleasant fragrance to the vagina. See also Body, Women.


Added by SpaceParasites on January 28, 2010 | You Like This |


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From Wiki: "Since ancient times women considered to be suffering from hysteria would sometimes undergo "pelvic massage" — manual stimulation of the genitals by the doctor until the patient experienced "hysterical paroxysm" (orgasm).[1]"

Mehwantscookies on December 27, 2010

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atleast it wasnt the other way around!

anon on October 20, 2014


I read this the other day on facebook XD

JanTheWeirdGamerYT on September 24, 2017

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