HeartsBeauty335's Entries
Funny Quotes
11. Stiles: Two Joggers Found a Body in the Woods. Scott: A Dead Body? Stiles: No a Body of Water, Yes Dumbass a Dead Body.
Funny Quotes
12. Coach: Sweetheart, Do You Want to Tell Me What Insane Asylum You Escaped From? Danny: Coach, Insane Asylum Proper Terminology Anymore. Coach: OK. Sweetheart, What Nuthouse Did You Escape From?
It`s Teen Wolf.I just thought that was so funny XD
Funny Quotes
13. If They're Holding Me Back from Being a Psychotic Nut Job Like You, I'm Okay with That. ~Scott
Teen Wolf has good quotes,right?
Funny Quotes
14. You Were Wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?
It`s on Supernatural,pretty funny to me
Castiel:His name is Raphael.
Dean:So you were wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?
Funny Quotes
18. "Nothing Makes a Father Happier than Seeing His Daughter with a Smile on Her Face and Her Boyfriend with Fear in His Eyes."
Funny Nicknames
19. Shaggy Staff
The name another guy got in class for saying he was a shepard in a play but the teacher thought he meant a staff.Then another girl said his shirt was shaggy,so he became Shaggy Staff.It`s also one of the jokes I went overboard on
Funny Nicknames
20. Cannibal
Funny story of how I got this name.In class,we were talking about Thanksgiving and I didn`t know we were talking about food when I said Indians and she said you don`t eat people at Thanksgiving.