Joe's Entries
Funny Books
32. Pardon Me, You’re Stepping On My Eyeball Shop
A 1970s coming-of-age novel for young adults, much to the dismay of readers expecting something else. See also 70's.
Funny Things
33. Artist's Rendition
Probably inaccurate as to how extinct creatures actually appeared, but, hey, looks cool. See also Science.
Funny Things to Do
34. Finding Someone Else's Hair On Your Shirt
"This is the most action I've gotten in months!"
Funny Foods
35. A Baggie of Cheerios
Someone was either late this morning or is learning to eat big people food. See also Breakfast.
Funny Diseases
36. Elmo-mania
A condition that struck parents following the release of "Tickle Me Elmo". Robert Waller, a Canadian sales clerk, was literally assaulted when he was seen holding the toy by shoppers waiting for the next shipment. See also 90's.
Funny Videos
38. Don't Smoke, R2!
A PSA from 1981 featuring Star Wars characters R2-D2 and C-3PO, in which R2 learns the dangers of smoking.
"R2-D2, you found a cigarette?!"
"Beep boop!"
"Well, I don't think smoking is very grown-up at all." See also 80's.
Funny Phrases
40. Donion Rings
What one says when they are done eating onion rings. Coined by Ninja Brian of Ninja Sex Party, another entry altogether.