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Funny Things to Do
2702. Ten Things I Know About You
1. You are reading this
2. You think I am ridiculous
3. You can not breath while holding your tongue out
5. You just tried that, and you look like a panting dog
6. You just skipped 4
7. You checked to see if there was a 4
8. You are now laughing at yourself
9. You will probably share this with someone
Funny Advice
2708. Ladies, if a man says he'll fix something, he will. There's no point in telling him about it every six months.
Some great marriage advice there. See also Marriage.
Funny Sayings
2709. Roses Are Red, My Name's Dave, This Poem Makes No Sense, Microwave.
See also Poetry.
Funny Books
2710. Reading for Dummies that a rip in the space-time continuum? See also Made Up, Reading.