Funny Things to Do
Funny Things to Do
171. Hollow out a Banana and Drink Chocolate Milk from It
Funny Things to Do
172. Buy a Parrot and Teach It to Say, "Help, I've Been Turned into a Parrot!''
Funny Things to Do
173. Like This Post
It will increase the total number of likes on this post by one.
Funny Things to Do
174. Going to an Apple Store and Ordering a Big Mac
Funny Things to Do
175. Getting an Email from the Internet Provider to Notify You That Your Internet is Working Again.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny thing to do.
Funny Things to Do
176. Trying to Sing "Macarena" Without Moving
LOL I tried it, and it was HARD. See also 90's.
Funny Things to Do
177. Counting the Steps on an Escalator
Funny Things to Do
178. Ten Things I Know About You
1. You are reading this
2. You think I am ridiculous
3. You can not breath while holding your tongue out
5. You just tried that, and you look like a panting dog
6. You just skipped 4
7. You checked to see if there was a 4
8. You are now laughing at yourself
9. You will probably share this with someone
Funny Things to Do
180. Grab the Nearest Book. Turn to Page 206. The First Sentence Describes Your Love Life.
I did it and I got "That's some powerful magic"
Comment what you get.