Funny Animals
Funny Animals
241. Sorrel Nag
I once called a friend a "sorrel nag," and he responded, "I'm not a sorrel nag, you're a bay mare." I had no reply to that. See also Literature.
Funny Animals
243. Capybara
A semi-aquatic, South American rodent, Capybaras are often purposely misidentifed as the "world's largest rat" in carnival sideshows.
Funny Animals
244. Buzzard
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny animal?
Funny Animals
246. Scorpions
Per Jim Anchower of the Onion, "You can't pick a scorpion up by its tail because you'll get stung. You can't pick it up by its front, either, because you'll get pinched. And don't even think about picking it up by its middle, 'cause you'll get pinched and stung."
Funny Animals
247. Poodles Drinking Champagne
They are poodles, after all. See also Alcohol, Anthromorphication, Wealth.
Funny Animals
248. Animals That Wear Monocles
Including this cat, this dog, and the Hustler Beaver. This list does not, however, include Scrooge McDuck (who wears half glasses) and Mr. Peanut (who is a not an animal but a legume.) See also Anthromorphication, Cartoons.
Funny Animals
249. Stray Cats and Dogs
Particularly those that sing and represent the underclass. See also Anthromorphication, Cartoons.
Funny Animals
250. Monkey Butler
Unlike helper monkeys, monkey butlers have gone to monkey finishing school. See also Anthromorphication.