Funny Nicknames
Funny Nicknames
82. Holden McGroin
Joey Tribbiani's stage name in the first season of Friends. See also Sophomoric.
Funny Nicknames
84. KaTasha
When my mom accidentally says my cat's name when she is talking to me, or vice-versa, but then corrects herself midway. See also Cats.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny nickname.
Funny Nicknames
87. Spice Boi
Funny Nicknames
88. Mr.Tall
I have a substitute teacher, but I never know his name, and looks like he's 7 feet tall. See also Teachers.
Funny Nicknames
89. Whiner Forty-Niner
Funny Nicknames
90. Cicada
Your friend who spent the first 17 years of his life living underground and doing nothing, but once he gets to college starts making a lot of noise and partying. See also Insects.