Funny Nicknames
Funny Nicknames
51. Bille Eyelash
Funny Nicknames
52. Oregano Honey
Do you remember Salt Bae? The equation is simple. Spice + affectionate name = the new meme of the century. Or maybe just a cool code name for your crush.
Funny Nicknames
54. Mobs Dick
Funny Nicknames
55. Beernuts
What we call my dog when she nuzzles your beer over. See also Alcohol, Dogs.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny nickname.
Funny Nicknames
56. Dick
I understand Bob from Robert, but how did they get Dick from Richard? Did I miss something when these names were changed? Does anyone answer to Dick?
Funny Nicknames
58. America's Village Idiot
Also known as Donald Trump. See also Politics, Presidents.