Funny Nicknames
Funny Nicknames
71. Hot Mess Express
My friend was in science class, and we were all in our group laughing as she slathered glue on her paper and stuck random things to it. The teacher came by and said, "Honey, you are a hot mess express."
Funny Nicknames
74. The Dalai Drama
Your friend who can't help but start unnecessary drama. See also Religion.
Funny Nicknames
75. Al Frankenstien
Pretty sure it's spelled "Frankenstein." Look it up, Mr. President. See also Monsters, Politics, Presidents.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny nickname.
Funny Nicknames
76. Sonic the Hedgeteacher
For that teacher who talks so quickly you can't take any notes. See also Schools, Video Games.
Funny Nicknames
78. Banana Bender
Colloquial Australian slang for someone from Queensland. See also Australian.