Funny TV Shows
Funny TV Shows
22. Pac-Man Adentures
They gave Pac-Man a back story. It kind of sucked. See also 80's, Video Games.
Funny TV Shows
23. Finder of Lost Loves
Eighties drama about a private detective dedicated to reuniting separated lovers. (He was later put out of business by Facebook and the Internet.) See also 80's.
Funny TV Shows
24. Cop Rock
A 1990's ABC TV series. Imagine NYPD Blue meets Glee. See also 90's, Musicals.
Funny TV Shows
25. Zitcoms
Hollywood slang for sitcoms about teenagers. See also Sitcom, Television.
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Funny TV Shows
26. "Very Special" Episodes of Sitcoms
For example when Jesse got hopped up on caffeine pills or Urkel got drunk and nearly fell of the roof. More examples here. See also 80's, 90's, Sitcom.
Funny TV Shows
27. Paid Programming
The show that's on at 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, and 5 am. See also Commercials.
Funny TV Shows
29. Romper Room
Each program would open with a greeting from the hostess and the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the hostess and her group of children would embark on an hour (or half hour) of games, exercises, songs and moral lessons, which were regularly accompanied by background music.
At the end of each broadcast, the hostess would look through a "magic mirror" (actually a face-sized open hoop with a handle) and name the children she saw in "televisionland", then recite the rhyme, "Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic mirror, tell me today. Have all my friends had fun at play?" She would then lead into, "I can see Scotty and Kimberly and Julie and Jimmy and Kelly and all of you boys and girls out there!" Did she ever see you? See also 80's, Children, Television.
Funny TV Shows
30. 20 Minute Workout
This show burst onto the scene in the early 80's, usually with 2 to 3 girls performing an aerobic excerise routine. My brother would watch the show...not because he was "following" the routine.. but because he thought the girls were cute.
They matched their bodysuits, leggings...
Bess Motta the lead instructor was awesome! See also 80's, Aerobics, Exercise.