Funny Conveyances

Sneakers With Wheels

As if Americans aren't fat enough, we now have kids' sneakers with wheels in the heel. Great. See also Children, Clothes, Shoes.


Added by Tim on February 6, 2008 | You Like This |


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i dont get it

chale on February 19, 2008

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that's because you're an idiot. Prepare to be left behind at the evolutionary bell curve.

Jesus McCraken on June 3, 2008

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those sneakers are actually really hard to use, and balance. doesnt make people fatter.

youreanidiot on July 31, 2008


Thank you for straightening me out on that crucial issue. I had thought we could laugh and laugh. Thank goodness you've come along to defend the wheeled shoes, and insult me as a bonus.

Tim on September 22, 2008

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I am going to clothesline the next kid that comes flying past me in the aisle of a store on those stupid shoes.

blah on October 10, 2008

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I know a kid who broke their arm trying to "skate" on tree roots wearing these.

the walrus on December 11, 2008


That is Darwinian Theory in practice.

Tim on September 15, 2009


You want to see someone left behind on the evolutionary bell curve look no further! Took me two F'n years to find this post!

SLOWCOOKR on April 15, 2010

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