Funny Phobias


The fear of vegetables.


Added by a Guest on November 29, 2012 | You Like This |


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I absolutely HATE vegetables they make me sick i only eat fatty chinnese food and kfc off my PS3 'MERICA FTW!!!

Peter Walpole on December 20, 2012

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dont laugh at this its real and severally affects my daily life #nofear #staystrong #iatethebones #chuckstrong

fred on May 21, 2013

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DAMN i wish i had it

pewdiepie on April 12, 2014

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he people hat have this disease are soo lucky

no! on November 5, 2014

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(almost) all kids....

on on on on on April 26, 2018

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Im afraid of my grandma does that count?

Coolmeme on December 4, 2020

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