Joe's Entries
Funny Movies
2. Ratatoing
Ratatoing is an original 3D animated film about a talking rat who is also the best chef in all of Rio de Janeiro. It is in no way a cheaply animated and voice-acted ripoff of Pixar's Ratatouille. See also Cartoons.
Funny Videos
3. The 1991 Sizzler Promotional Commercial
A wonderfully patriotic promotional video made for the Sizzler buffet chain in 1991. Probably made to wow investors wearing tweed suits with big shoulderpads.
Sizzler. See also 90's, Restaurants.
Funny Songs
5. What If God Was One of Us?
What if God was on a bus /
On a bus like one of us /
Just a stranger on a bus /
On a buuuuus. See also Buses, Religion, Subway.
Funny Videos
6. The Beach Boys Without Autotune
The Beach Boys' "I Get Around", but without that cheap pitch-shifting technology everyone was using in the '60s. See also Internet, Music.
Funny Words
7. Bungey
Old southern word for "sick". This word was used by Brad Pitt in "The Assassination of Jesse James" in a smooth cowboyish drawl. "You don't have to keep smoking that if it's making you bungey." See also Old-Timey, Western.
Funny Things to Do
8. Tucking Your Shirt Into Your Underwear
You know, as a fail-safe. Anything with an elastic waistband works great for this purpose. See also Fashion.
Funny Words
9. Piccadilly
Used as a flavor word to make one sound old and cantankerous, e.g. "You piccadilly tramp!"
The word itself doesn't hold much meaning, though it may refer to people who wore piccadills (or large, lacy collars) in the 17th century. See also Old-Timey.
Funny Things
10. Kneaded Erasers
"The kind of erasers you can ball up and throw at your sister."
- My art professor See also Art.