Funny Insults
1. I Hope Your Day is as Pleasant as You Are.
This can be either an insult or a compliment. It depends on whether the target is nice or not.
Funny Nicknames
2. Elongated Muskrat
Elon Musk's full name. No point in hiding from us, Elon. The people know.
Funny People
3. Anti-Vaxx Parents
They're really funny, because they've got to be joking, right? Right?..... right?
Funny Advice
4. Having a Weapon is Very Different from Actually Using It.
Gandhi's excuse to having a 7.000 nuke arsenal.
Funny Diseases
6. Despa-Syndrome
The syndrome of constantly listening to that damn Despacito even years after it was released.
Funny Foods
7. Fugu Fish
The russian roulette of foods. Either you instantly die from terrible food poisoning or you eat a nice tasty fish.
Funny Instruments
8. A Potato with Holes in It.
If you play the flute, anything can be an instrument. Including potatoes. It's real.
Funny Movies
9. The Decent, The Could Be Better And The Displeasing
The prequel to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. See also Made Up.
Funny Observations
10. Frogs Jump and Live for 12 Years. Horses Run and Live for 30 Years. Turtles Do Nothing and Live for 100 Years.
Lesson learned.