Funny Jobs
23. Water Slide Tester
It's real, it's fun and it pays well. What else do you want from a job?
Funny Names
24. KVIIIlyn
Kaitlyn, but "ait" is replaced by the Roman numeral for eight. I feel very bad for the girl who got this name.
Funny Observations
25. "Taco Cat" and "Race Car" Spelled Backwards Are Still "Taco Cat" and "Race Car"
Funny Tattoos
27. A Y Incision on Your Chest with "Be Careful, Coroner" Next to It.
A way to be funny even after death. See also Death.
Funny Things to Do
28. Play Around with Mr.Doob Websites
Just look up the following: Google Sphere, Google Gravity, Google Space etc. or just Mr.Doob. They're really fun websites.
Funny Drinks
29. Amber Moon
Crack an egg into a glass and add some Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce and liquor.
Results may vary from disgusting to strangely amazing. See also Alcohol.