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Funny Diseases
5462. Wandering Womb
Seriously, the ancient Greeks believed that women's health issues were due to their womb wandering freely around their body. Disorders caused by the womb were remedied by making the woman smell a foul smell or applying a pleasant fragrance to the vagina. See also Body, Women.
Funny Movies
5463. Leprechaun in the Hood Shop
Holy crap it's Ice-T squaring off against an evil Leprechaun. The best part is when they use a douche to set the Leprechaun on fire.
Funny Places
5464. Toad Suck Park
An RV park near Conway, Arkansas. I don't even want to know how this one got its name.
Funny Places
5465. Schlitterbahn Waterpark
It's a family of water parks throughout Texas and Kansas, but it sounds more like a term for diarrhea to me.
Funny Phrases
5468. L’Esprit De L’Escalier
French for "staircase wit", this phrase describes thinking of a clever comeback when it is too late. See also French.